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Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
480 $ Locations saisonnières ($)
Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
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Amsterdam 3 pièces 2 chambres 100m² Ascenseur Appartement en location de vacances
276 $ Locations saisonnières ($)
Amsterdam 3 pièces 2 chambres 100m² Ascenseur Appartement en location de vacances
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Royal Beach 4R 3 chambres 90m² Terrasse 14m² Ascenseur Parking Appartement en location de vacances à Tel Aviv
360 $ Locations saisonnières ($)
Royal Beach 4R 3 chambres 90m² Terrasse 14m² Ascenseur Parking Appartement en location de vacances à Tel Aviv
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206STR,  Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental

  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental
  • Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental

Ref # : 206STR

Locations saisonnières ($) 480 $/Par nuit

Jaffa Penthouse 2 bedrooms Terrace Jacuzzi Close to the beach for holidays rental

Dans une belle résidence complète très proche de la plage dans le meilleur endroit de Jaffa à proximité de bars et restaurants

Penthouse design avec très grande terrasse. jacuzzi.

2 chambres avec 2 salles de bain

Très design
Grand jacuzzi en terrasse
Près de la plage
Près de bar et restaurant les plus branchés



Espace de travail dédié

Jacuzzi privé(e)

Télévision HD avec Apple TV, Netflix



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